10_27_16 US Colleges P-S

Pace University

Pleasantville, New York

Phone: 1-800-874-PACE    


Admissions Contact:  deanofadmission@pace.edu

A traditional and serene small college environment on a 200-acre expanse of rolling tree-covered hills in lower Westchester County, just 30 miles north of Manhattan.   It is the home of our Pace’s NCAA Division II teams and where you will find our state-of-the-art Ann & Alfred Goldstein Health, Fitness and Recreation Center which features a 2,400 seat arena.  Come and feel the magic of Pleasantville and listen to our students share their stories.

Admissions: http://www.pace.edu/admissions-and-aid

Campus visits: http://www.pace.edu/admissions-aid/undergraduate-admissions/freshman/campus-tours-events (NYC and Westchester)

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.pace.edu/financial-aid

Academic Majors: http://www.pace.edu/academics/undergraduate-students/majors

Housing: http://www.pace.edu/nyc-housing (NYC)

http://www.pace.edu/westchester-housing (Westchester)   

Greek Life:  http://www.pace.edu/life-on-campus/nyc-campus-activities/greek-life (NYC)

http://www.pace.edu/life-on-campus/westchester-campus-activities/greek-life (Westchester)

Clubs/Activities: http://www.pace.edu/life-on-campus/nyc-campus-activities/student-organizations (NYC)

http://www.pace.edu/life-on-campus/westchester-campus-activities/student-organizations (Westchester) 

Athletics: NCAA Division II


Pacific Lutheran University 

Tacoma, Washington

Phone:  1-800-274-6758     


Admissions Contact: admission@plu.edu 

Long committed to an education distinguished for quality, in the context of a heritage that is Lutheran and an environment that is ecumenically Christian, PLU continues to embrace its primary mission: the development of knowledgeable persons equipped with an understanding of the human condition, a critical awareness of humane and spiritual values, and a capacity for clear and effective self-expression. For all who choose to seek a PLU degree, the university offers opportunity to pursue a variety of programs of academic worth and excellence. Its standards of performance demand a finely trained faculty as well as highly skilled administrative and support staff. In its institutional emphasis on scholarship, the University views the liberal arts as providing the necessary and essential foundation for the technical training and education in the professions which modern society requires. The university aims to cultivate the intellect, not for its own sake merely, but as a tool of conscience and an instrument for service.

Admissions: http://www.plu.edu/admission/first-year/ 

Campus Visits: http://www.plu.edu/admission-first-year/visit/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.plu.edu/financial-aid 

Religious Affiliation:  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Academic Majors: http://www.plu.edu/admission/first-year/majors/

Housing:  http://www.plu.edu/residential-life/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.plu.edu/admission-first-year/campus-life/clubs-organizations/

Study Abroad: http://www.plu.edu/studyaway/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.plu.edu/career/ 

Pacific Northwest College of Art

Portland, Oregon

Phone: 1-503-821-8972


Admissions Contact: admissions@pnca.edu

With more than a century of active experience, Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) is one of America’s most innovative and fastest growing centers of arts education. At PNCA, leading-edge work emerges from studio process, a commitment to craft, and the practice of design and fine art thinking and making. Today, the College enrolls over 600 students in 15 undergraduate and graduate programs, and another 1,500 students annually through its continuing education programs. PNCA is actively involved in Portland’s cultural life through exhibitions and a vibrant public program of lectures by internationally recognized visiting artists, designers and creative thinkers.

Admissions: http://www.pnca.edu/admissions/c/welcome

Campus Visits: http://www.pnca.edu/admissions/c/visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.pnca.edu/admissions/fa/c/aid

Undergraduate Student Enrollment: 521

Graduate Student Enrollment: 75

Religious Affiliation: None

Academic Majors: http://www.pnca.edu/programs/bfa/c/majors

Housing: http://www.pnca.edu/studentlife/c/housing

Greek Life: None

Clubs/Activities: http://www.pnca.edu/studentlife/services/c/activities

Study Abroad: http://pnca.edu/programs/international/c/studies 

Internships/Career Services: http://www.pnca.edu/studentlife/careers/c/intro


Pacific University  

Forest Grove, Oregon

Phone: 1-877-PAC-UNIV      


Admissions Contact: admissions@pacificu.edu 

Pacific University is a comprehensive teaching institution comprised of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Optometry, Education, and Health Professions. We provide a close-knit environment and challenging opportunities that foster undergraduate education in the liberal arts tradition and graduate education for specific service-oriented professions. At Pacific, effective teaching and learning are the highest priorities.

Admissions: http://www.pacificu.edu/future-undergraduate/undergraduate-admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.pacificu.edu/admissions/undergrad/enrolling/visit.cfm

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.pacificu.edu/about-us/offices/financial-aid

Academic Majors: http://www.pacificu.edu/admissions/programs/

Housing:  http://www.pacificu.edu/studentlife/housing/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.pacificu.edu/current-undergraduate/activities/clubs-and-organizations 

Study Abroad: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/intlprograms/studyabroad.cfm

Internships/Career Services: http://www.pacificu.edu/career/students/internships/index.cfm


Parsons-The New School for Design

New York, New York

Phone: 212-229-8989 or 1-877-528-3321


Admissions: thinkparsons@newschool.edu

Parsons focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education.  Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design.

Admissions: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/admission/

Campus Visits: http://www.newschool.edu/admission/visit/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.newschool.edu/student-financial-services/

Academic Majors: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/undergraduate/  (majors on the left hand side)

Housing: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/housing-dining/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/student-life/

Study Abroad: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/about-career-services/

Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus     

State College, Pennsylvania

Phone:  1-814-865-4700


Admissions Contact: 814-865-5471

Penn State is a multi-campus public research university that educates students from Pennsylvania, the nation and the world, and improves the well-being and health of individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service.

Our instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional, and continuing education offered through both resident instruction and online delivery. Our educational programs are enriched by the cutting edge knowledge, diversity, and creativity of our faculty, students, and staff.

Our research, scholarship, and creative activity promote human and economic development, global understanding, and progress in professional practice through the expansion of knowledge and its applications in the natural and applied sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and the professions.

Admissions: http://admissions.psu.edu

Campus Visits: http://admissions.psu.edu/pennstate/visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://admissions.psu.edu/costs-aid/scholarships/  

Academic Majors: http://bulletins.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/college_campus_details.cfm?id=35

Housing:  http://admissions.psu.edu/costs-aid/residency/

Greek Life: http://studentaffairs.psu.edu/hub/greeks

Clubs/Activities:  http://admissions.psu.edu/life/clubs/

Community Service: http://volunteer.psu.edu

Study Abroad: http://gpglobalea.gp.psu.edu/

Internships/Career Services: http://studentaffairs.psu.edu/career/students/internships.shtml

Athletics:  NCAA I-A Varsity: http://www.gopsusports.com

Pepperdine University

Malibu, California

Phone: 1-310-506-4392


Admissions: admission-seaver@pepperdine.edu


Pepperdine University is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean, our University offers students and visitors breathtaking vistas that provoke awe, reflection, and inspiration. But equally distinctive are the wonderful professors, students, staff, and friends who make up our community, and the intellectual and spiritual life that we share.

Admissions: http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/undergraduate/

Campus Visits: http://seaver.pepperdine.edu/admission/visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.pepperdine.edu/admission/financialaid/

Religious Affiliation: Church of Christ

Academic Majors: http://seaver.pepperdine.edu/academics/majorsminors/

Housing: http://community.pepperdine.edu/housing/

Greek Life: http://community.pepperdine.edu/seaver/studentactivities/greeks/

Clubs/Activities: http://community.pepperdine.edu/seaver/studentactivities/icc/clubs_and_orgs.htm

Study Abroad: http://www.pepperdine.edu/academics/programs/international/

Internships/Career Services: http://seaver.pepperdine.edu/careercenter/internships

Pitzer College                     Claremont, California    

Phone: 1-800-748-9371   1-909-621-8129


Admissions Contact: admissions@pitzer.edu

Pitzer College produces engaged, socially responsible citizens of the world through an academically rigorous, interdisciplinary liberal arts education emphasizing social justice, intercultural understanding and environmental sensitivity. The meaningful participation of students, faculty and staff in college governance and academic program design is a Pitzer core value. Our community thrives within the mutually supportive framework of The Claremont Colleges which provide an unsurpassed breadth of academic, athletic and social opportunities.

Admissions: http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/index.asp

Campus Visits: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/admission/visiting-campus/ 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/financial-aid/

Standardized tests are optional in the admission process at Pitzer College. For those students who chose to submit them, http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/applying/applicants_firstyr.asp    

Academic Majors: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/academics/majors/

Housing: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/student-life/housing/ 

Clubs/Activities: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/student-senate/organizations/

Study Abroad: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/study-abroad/pitzer-students/

Internships/Career Services: http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/career-services/

Point Loma Nazarene University

San Diego, California

Phone:  1-800- 733-7770


Admissions Contact: Admissions@pointloma.edu 

Admissions: http://undergraduate.pointloma.edu/

Campus Visits: http://undergraduate.pointloma.edu/visit-campus

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://undergraduate.pointloma.edu/scholarships-aid

Religious Affiliation:  Church of the Nazarene

Academic Majors: http://www.pointloma.edu/Academics/AreasofStudy.htm

Housing:  http://www.pointloma.edu/experience/community/student-life/residential-life-housing

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  http://undergraduate.pointloma.edu/student-involvement

Athletics: http://www.pointloma.edu/Athletics.htm

Pomona College

Claremont, California

Phone:  1-909-621-8134


Admissions Contact: admissions@pomona.edu

Throughout its history, Pomona College has educated men and women of exceptional promise. We gather students, regardless of financial need, into a small residential community strongly rooted in southern California but global in its orientation. Through close ties among diverse faculty, staff, and classmates, students engage in probing inquiry that enables them to identify and address their intellectual passions. This experience will guide their contributions as the next generation of leaders, scholars, artists, and citizens.

Admissions: http://www.pomona.edu/admissions

Campus Visits: https://www.pomona.edu/admissions/visit/tours-info-sessions

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.pomona.edu/administration/financial-aid/index.aspx

Academic Majors:   http://www.pomona.edu/academics/majors-and-minors/

Housing: https://www.pomona.edu/life-at-pomona/residing

Clubs/Activities: https://www.pomona.edu/life-at-pomona/clubs

Study Abroad: https://www.pomona.edu/administration/study-abroad 

Internships/Career Services: http://pomona.edu/administration/career-development/

Portland State University

Portland, Oregon

Phone: 1-503-725-3511   


Admissions Contact: askadm@pdx.edu 

Portland State University (PSU), located on a 50-acre campus in downtown Portland, is a nationally acclaimed leader in sustainability and community-based learning. The university’s position in the heart of Oregon’s economic and cultural center enables PSU students and faculty to apply scholarly theory to the real-world problems of business and community organizations. Portland State offers more than 220 undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degree options, as well as graduate certificates and continuing education programs. PSU is Oregon’s largest and most diverse campus, with some 30,000 students who come from all 50 states and from nearly 100 nations around the world.

Admissions: http://www.pdx.edu/admissions/

Campus visits: http://www.pdx.edu/admissions/visit-psu

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.pdx.edu/scholarships/

Academic Majors: http://www.pdx.edu/undergraduate-programs

Housing:  http://www.pdx.edu/housing/

Greek Life: http://greeklife.pdx.edu/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.pdx.edu/recreation/rec-clubs

Internships/Career Services: http://www.pdx.edu/careers/for-students

Pratt Institute

New York, New York

Phone: 1-718-636-3600


Admissions Contact: admissions@pratt.edu

With a firm grounding in the liberal arts and sciences, a Pratt education blends theory with creative application in preparing graduates to become leaders in their professions. Pratt enrolls a diverse group of highly talented and dedicated students, challenging them to achieve their full potential.

Pratt seeks to instill in all graduates aesthetic judgment, professional knowledge, collaborative skills, and technical expertise.

Admissions: https://www.pratt.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: https://www.pratt.edu/admissions/visiting-pratt/

Scholarship/Financial Aid: https://www.pratt.edu/admissions/financing-your-education/financing-undergraduate/

Religious Affiliation: none

Academic Majors: https://www.pratt.edu/academics/

Housing: https://www.pratt.edu/student-life/student-affairs/campus-housing/

Greek Life: https://www.pratt.edu/student-life/student-affairs/student-activities/organizations-and-clubs/club-frats/why-join/

Clubs/Activities: https://www.pratt.edu/student-life/student-affairs/student-activities/organizations-and-clubs/

Study Abroad: http://www.pratt.edu/academics/academic_resources/study_abroad/

Internships/Career Services: https://www.pratt.edu/student-life/center-for-career-professional-development/

Athletics: https://pratt.prestosports.com/rec/Home

Prescott College

Prescott, Arizona

Phone: 1-877-350-2100 Option 1


Admissions Contact: admissions@prescott.edu

Prescott College is an independent, liberal arts college offering bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D. degrees, as well as teacher certification. Our educational programs reflect the College’s commitment to the environment and social justice. Prescott College offers all students a diverse curriculum designed to encourage pursuit of interests across disciplinary lines. At Prescott College, “learning by doing” is as important as reading and discussing. The curriculum is flexible to meet the needs of every student. Our Resident Degree Program is enhanced by a strong learning community that allows for connections and personal relationships with faculty and mentors. Many courses involve a strong field component. Internships, independent studies, apprenticeships, and study abroad are strongly encouraged.

Admissions: http://www.prescott.edu/apply/limited-residency-undergraduate/index.php

Campus Visits: http://www.prescott.edu/explore/schedule-a-visit/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.prescott.edu/apply/financial-aid/index.php

Academic Majors: http://www.prescott.edu/academics/undergraduate-degrees/index.php   

Housing: http://www.prescott.edu/experience/studentlife/residence-life/index.php

Clubs/Activities: http://www.prescott.edu/experience/studentlife/clubs-and-organizations/index.php

Study Abroad: http://www.prescott.edu/academics/exchange-opportunities/index.php

Internships/Career Services: http://www.prescott.edu/experience/studentlife/career-services/index.php

Athletics: None

Princeton University

Princeton, New Jersey

Phone:  1-609-258-3060   


Admissions Contact: uaoffice@Princeton.EDU 

Princeton University is a community of learning that is enriched by the wide variety of experiences and perspectives of its students, faculty and staff. The University is committed to building a diverse campus community to ensure that students explore their interests, discover new academic and extracurricular pursuits, and learn from each other. More than ever, Princeton is making its distinctive education accessible to students from a broad range of cultural, ethnic and economic backgrounds.

Admissions: http://admission.princeton.edu/

Campus visits: http://www.princeton.edu/admission/visitprinceton/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.princeton.edu/admission/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.princeton.edu/main/academics/departments/

Housing:  http://www.princeton.edu/main/campuslife/housingdining/

Greek Life:  None officially recognized

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.princeton.edu/main/campuslife/organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.princeton.edu/oip/sap

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.princeton.edu/career/undergrads/internships

Providence College

Providence, Rhode Island


Phone:  1-800-721-6444

Admissions Contact: pcadmiss@providence.edu 

Providence College is a primarily undergraduate, liberal arts, Catholic institution of higher education. Committed to fostering academic excellence through the sciences and humanities, the College provides a variety of opportunities for intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual growth in a supportive environment.  The College actively cultivates intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and aesthetic values within the context of the Judeo-Christian heritage. These values are nurtured by the unique tradition of the Dominican Order which emphasizes quality teaching and scholarship

Admissions: http://www.providence.edu/admission/Pages/default.aspx

Campus Visits: http://www.providence.edu/visit/Pages/default.aspx

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.providence.edu/Admission/tuition-aid/Pages/default.aspx

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.providence.edu/academics/departments/pages/default.aspx

Housing: http://www.providence.edu/residence-life/Pages/default.aspx

Clubs/Activities: http://www.providence.edu/student-activities/clubs-organizations/Pages/default.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.providence.edu/cis/Study-Abroad/Pages/default.aspx

Internships/Career Services: http://www.providence.edu/career-education-center/Pages/default.aspx

Purdue University

West Lafayette, Indiana

Phone: 1-765-494-1776


Admissions Contact: admissions@purdue.edu 

Purdue University is a coeducational, state-assisted system in Indiana, founded in 1869.Building upon historical strengths in engineering and agriculture, the West Lafayette campus currently offers 7,400 courses in more than 500 undergraduate majors and specializations in the schools/colleges of Agriculture, Consumer and Family Sciences, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts, Management, Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science, Technology, and Veterinary Medicine.

Admissions: http://www.purdue.edu/Admissions/Undergrad/

Campus visits: http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/visit/index.php

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.purdue.edu/DFA/


Academic Majors: http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/majors/index.php

Housing:  http://www.housing.purdue.edu/

Greek Life: https://www.purdue.edu/fscl/

Clubs/Activities:  https://boilerlink.purdue.edu/Organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/ 

Career Services/Internships: https://www.cco.purdue.edu/Student/Welcome.shtml


Quinnipiac University 

Hamden, Connecticut

Phone: 1-800-462-1944


Admissions Contact: admissions@quinnipiac.edu 

Quinnipiac University, founded in 1929, is a private, coeducational, nonsectarian institution of higher education. It is primarily a residential campus in an attractive New England setting. Quinnipiac’s mission is to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for the intellectual and personal growth of undergraduate, graduate and continuing education students. The University offers broadly based undergraduate programs as well as graduate programs in selected professional fields. Through integrated liberal arts and professional curricula, undergraduate programs in the schools of business, communications, health sciences, education and the College of Arts and Sciences prepare students for career entry or advanced studies.

Admissions: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/visit-with-us

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/tuition-and-financial-aid 

Academic Majors: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/academics/undergraduate-studies/majors-minors-certificates

Housing: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/student-experience/living-at-quinnipiac

Greek Life: https://www.qu.edu/student-experience/fraternity-and-sorority-life/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/student-experience/activities-organizations

Community Service: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/student-experience/leadership-activism/community-service-groups/office-of-community-service

Study Abroad: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/academics/multicultural-global-education/education-abroad

Internships/Career Services: https://www.qu.edu/student-experience/student-services-and-student-centers/career-development/student-career-development/

Athletics: NCAA Division I-AAA Varsity: http://www.quinnipiacbobcats.com/ 

Randolph College   

Lynchburg, Virginia

Phone: 1-800-745-7692


Admissions Contact: admissions@randolphcollege.edu

We’re a community of learners and explorers. At Randolph, academic excellence is paramount, but some of our students’ most enlightening moments aren’t on the syllabus. They come during late-night dorm conversations, or riding the Paris Metro on a semester abroad, or by working side-by-side with a famous professor for a summer research project.
At Randolph, we play lots of sports (Go WildCats!), get active outdoors, sign up for way too many cool clubs, and love exploring the hangouts of our historic hometown, Lynchburg, VA. Randolph’s campus—all trees and grass and red brick buildings—is minutes from the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains and the James River, so any time is a good time for mountain biking, hiking, rafting or simply taking a scenic study break. Schedule a campus visit and see for yourself.

Admissions: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/admission/   

Campus Visits: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/admission/visit/ 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/financialaid/


Academic Majors: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/academics/majors/

Housing: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/student-life/residence-halls/

Greek Life: none

Clubs/Activities: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/student-life/experience/student-activities/   

Study Abroad: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/studyabroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.randolphcollege.edu/cdc/

Reed College CTCL 

Portland, Oregon

Phone:  1-800-547-4750  


Admissions Contact: admissions@reed.edu

Reed College is an institution of higher education in the liberal arts devoted to the intrinsic value of intellectual pursuit and governed by the highest standards of scholarly practice, critical thought, and creativity.  Its undergraduate program of study, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, is demanding and intense and balances breadth of knowledge across the curriculum with depth of knowledge in a particular field of study.  The goal of the Reed education is that students learn and demonstrate rigor and independence in their habits of thought, inquiry and expression.

Admissions: http://www.reed.edu/apply/

Campus Visits: http://www.reed.edu/apply/visiting_reed/index.html

Financial Aid: http://web.reed.edu/financialaid/

Undergraduate Student Enrollment:  1,457

Graduate Student Enrollment:  17

Religious Affiliation:  None

Academic Majors: http://www.reed.edu/academics.html

Housing:  http://web.reed.edu/res_life/index.html

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.reed.edu/student_activities/student_org_search/index.php?submit=Search

Community Service: http://web.reed.edu/seeds/

Study Abroad: https://www.reed.edu/apply/academics/study-abroad.html   

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.reed.edu/beyond-reed/


Sports Center: http://web.reed.edu/sports_center/

Regis College                           

Weston, Massachusetts            

Phone: 1-781-768-7000              


Admissions Contact: admission@regiscollege.edu

Regis College, through education in the arts, sciences, and professions, empowers women and men to challenge themselves academically, to serve and to lead. A Catholic college, Regis is a diverse and welcoming community guided by the values of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.

Admissions: http://www.regiscollege.edu/undergraduate_programs/admission.cfm

Campus Visits: http://www.regiscollege.edu/undergraduate_programs/visit_regis.cfm

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.regiscollege.edu/costs_financialaid/undergraduate.cfm

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.regiscollege.edu/undergraduate_programs/academic_programs.cfm

Housing:  http://www.regiscollege.edu/campus_community/residential_life.cfm

Clubs/Activities: http://www.regiscollege.edu/campus_community/clubs_organizations.cfm

Study Abroad: http://www.regiscollege.edu/international/International_Study.cfm

Internships/Career Services: http://www.regiscollege.edu/undergraduate_programs/internships.cfm

Regis University

Denver, Colorado

Phone:  1-800-388-2366  


Admissions Contact: RUadmissions@regis.edu

Regis University educates men and women of all ages to take leadership roles and to make a positive impact in a changing society. Standing within the Catholic and United States traditions, we are inspired by the particular Jesuit vision of Ignatius Loyola. This vision challenges us to attain the inner freedom to make intelligent choices. We seek to provide value-centered undergraduate and graduate education, as well as to strengthen our commitment to community service. We nurture the life of the mind and the pursuit of truth within an environment conducive to effective teaching, learning, and personal development.

Admissions: http://www.regis.edu/RC/Admissions.aspx

Campus Visits: http://www.regis.edu/Visit-Gateway.aspx

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.regis.edu/College-Admissions-and-Financial-Aid/College-Financial-Aid.aspx

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic Church

Academic Majors: http://www.regis.edu/RC/Academics/Degrees-and-Programs/Undergraduate-Programs.aspx#programs

Housing: http://www.regis.edu/About-Regis-University/University-Offices-and-Services/Residence-Life-Housing-and-Event-Services/Campus-Housing.aspx

Clubs/Activities: http://www.regis.edu/About-Regis-University/University-Offices-and-Services/Student-Activities/Student-Government-Association/Clubs-and-Organizations.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.regis.edu/RC/Academics/Degrees-and-Programs/Unique-Learning-Opportunities/Study-Abroad.aspx

Internships/Career Services: http://www.regis.edu/About-Regis-University/University-Offices-and-Services/Career-Services.aspx

Rhode Island School of Design

Providence, Rhode Island

Phone: 1-401-454-6100


Admissions Contact: admissions@risd.edu

The mission of the Rhode Island School of Design, through its college and museum, is to educate its students and the public in the creation and appreciation of works of art and design, to discover and transmit knowledge and to make lasting contributions to a global society through critical thinking, scholarship and innovation.

Admissions:  http://www.risd.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://www.risd.edu/Admissions/Visit_RISD/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.risd.edu/admissions/student-financial-services/types-of-aid/overview/ 

Academic Majors: http://www.risd.edu/academics/

Housing: http://www.risd.edu/Students/Residence_Life/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.risd.edu/Students/Student_Involvement/Clubs_Organizations/

Study Abroad:  http://gpp.risd.edu

Internships/Career Services: http://www.risd.edu/Students/Careers/

Rhodes College CTCL

Memphis, Tennessee

Phone: 1-800-844-5969


Admissions Contact: admission@rhodes.edu

Rhodes College aspires to graduate students with a lifelong passion for learning, a compassion for others, and the ability to translate academic study and personal concern into effective leadership and action in their communities and the world. The collegiate-gothic campus sits on a 100-acre, wooded site in the heart of historic Memphis. In this beautiful, supportive environment, our students and faculty comprise a community unmatched in its dedication to learning and a life of honor both on and off campus. In fact, for more than a century, Rhodes has placed its Honor System at the forefront of student life.

Admissions: http://www.rhodes.edu/admission

Campus Visits: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/visit-rhodes-0 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/cost-and-financial-aid-0

Academic Majors: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/majors-minors

Housing: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/living-rhodes

Greek Life: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/fraternity-sorority-life

Clubs/Activities: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/activities-organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.rhodes.edu/content/buckman-center-international-education-1 

Internships/Career Services: https://www.rhodes.edu/content/career-network 

Rice University

Houston, Texas

Phone: 1-800-527-OWLS (6957)      


Admissions Contact: admi@rice.edu

As a leading research university with a distinctive commitment to undergraduate education, Rice University aspires to path breaking research, unsurpassed teaching and contributions to the betterment of our world. It seeks to fulfill this mission by cultivating a diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders across the spectrum of human endeavor.

Admissions: http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/default.asp

Campus visits: http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Visit.asp?SnID=378924020

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://financialaid.rice.edu

Academic Majors: http://students.rice.edu/students/Schools_dept_programs.aspx

Housing: http://campushousing.rice.edu/ 

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  http://clubs.rice.edu/club-list

Community Service: http://www.staff.rice.edu/staff/Home5.asp

Study Abroad: http://abroad.rice.edu/ 

Internships/Career Services: http://cspd.rice.edu/

Richmond, The American International University in London

London, England

Phone: 1-617-450-5617(info) /+44 (0) 208 332 8200 (admissions)


Admissions Contact: usadmissions@richmond.ac.uk

Living and studying together, our students from over 100 countries are ready for a world where the ability to communicate effectively across national and cultural boundaries is as valuable as traditional academic achievement. A Richmond education offers a global perspective. It examines the patterns of similarities and differences between cultures and provides you with an intercultural focus. It’s challenging and stimulating. It encourages you to form your own opinions.

At Richmond you will qualify an American BA or BS degree, and in many cases, simultaneously a UK BA(Honours) or BSc (Honours) degree, qualifications which are immediately recognized and respected by employers and graduate schools worldwide.

Admissions: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/ 

Campus Visit:  http://www.richmond.ac.uk/visit-us/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/admissions/scholarships-financial-assistance/undergraduate-scholarships/

Housing: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/student-life/accommodation/living-on-campus/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/student-life/student-activities/

Study Abroad: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/study-abroad-at-richmond/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/internships/

Athletics: http://www.richmond.ac.uk/student-life/student-activities/sports/

Ringling College of Art and Design

Sarasota, Florida


Phone: 1-800-255-7695

Admissions Representative: admissions@ringling.edu

Ringling College of Art and Design recognizes that artists and designers play a significant role in society. The School’s primary mission is to provide programs leading to degrees that prepare students to be discerning visual thinkers and ethical practitioners in their chosen area of art and design. Visual arts professionals must understand diverse aspects of past and present cultures, and develop their capacity for creative expression and effective communication. Ringling College of Art and Design’s curriculum, therefore, balances the teaching of technical knowledge and skills with the development of critical, conceptual and creative abilities and supports courses that provide historical, multicultural, global and future perspectives.

Admissions: http://www.ringling.edu/index.php?id=apply

Campus Visits: http://www.ringling.edu/plan-a-visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.ringling.edu/financialaid

SAT and ACT scores aren’t required unless the student has been Home Schooled.  If you take either the SAT or ACT, we encourage you to submit your scores since they can be helpful in academic counseling.

A portfolio is required for all majors except those applying to Business of Art & Design. The Admissions Committee reviews every portfolio individually. We take into consideration the amount and type of art training you’ve received.

Academic Majors: http://www.ringling.edu/Majors

Housing: http://www.ringling.edu/campus-life#housing 

Greek Life: None

Clubs/Activities: http://www.ringling.edu/campus-life#services

Study Abroad: http://www.ringling.edu/internationalopportunities

Internships/Career Services: http://www.ringling.edu/CareerSupport

Ripon College  

Ripon, Wisconsin

Phone:  1-800-947-4766     


Admissions Contact:  adminfo@ripon.edu

Ripon College prepares students of diverse interests for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. Our liberal arts curriculum and residential campus create an intimate learning community in which students experience a richly personalized education. Ripon is a true community of scholars where students and faculty work together for the success of all.

Admissions: http://www.ripon.edu/first-year-applicants/

Campus Visits: http://www.ripon.edu/visit/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.ripon.edu/financial-aid/

Academic Majors: http://www.ripon.edu/areas-of-study/ 

Housing: http://www.ripon.edu/housing-dining/ 

Greek Life:  http://www.ripon.edu/greek-life/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.ripon.edu/clubs-organizations/


Community Service: http://www.ripon.edu/community-service/

Study Abroad: http://www.ripon.edu/off-campus/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.ripon.edu/career-services/

Athletics: NCAA Division III

Varsity: http://www.ripon.edu/athletics/index.html

Rochester Institute of Technology   

Rochester, New York

Phone: 1-585-475-6631


Admissions Contact: admissions@rit.edu

The RIT community engages and motivates students through stimulating and collaborative experiences. Our mission is to provide technology-based educational programs for personal and professional development. We rigorously pursue new and emerging career areas. We develop and deliver curricula and advance scholarship relevant to emerging technologies and social conditions. Our community is committed to diversity and student centeredness and is distinguished by our innovative and collaborative spirit. Internal and external partnerships expand our students’ experiential learning. RIT is committed to mutually enriching relationships with alumni, government, business and the world community. Teaching, learning, scholarship, leadership development, and student success are our central enterprises.

Admissions: http://www.rit.edu/emcs/admissions/

Campus visits: http://www.rit.edu/emcs/admissions/visit

Financial Aid:  http://www.rit.edu/emcs/financialaid

Academic Majors: http://www.rit.edu/programs/by_degree

Co-op Program: http://www.rit.edu/co-op.html

Housing:  http://www.rit.edu/fa/housing/content/housing-options

Greek Life: https://www.rit.edu/studentaffairs/greek/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.rit.edu/emcs/admissions/spirit/clubs 

Study Abroad: https://www.rit.edu/academicaffairs/global/study-abroad-overview

Internships/Career Services: http://www.rit.edu/emcs/oce/students?usertype=student

Rocky Mountain College  

Billings, Montana

Phone: 1- 800-87-ROCKY    


Admissions Contact: admissions@rocky.edu   

Rocky Mountain College educates students in the liberal arts and selected professional fields. The liberal arts underlie our commitment to rational inquiry, creative expression, critical thinking, and the practical application of knowledge. We strive to develop reflective, ethically responsible, and productive citizens. We celebrate and strengthen that which unites all of humanity. Core Values: With our roots in both the practical and liberal arts, we value the broadly educated person who is skilled both within a specific discipline and across other disciplines. We honor intellectual curiosity, scientific reasoning, and open discussion.

Admissions: http://www.rocky.edu/admissions/admission-requirements/

Campus visits: http://www.rocky.edu/admissions/Visit.shtml

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.rocky.edu/admissions/financial-aid-scholarships/

Religious Affiliation:  United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, United Presbyterian Church

Academic Majors: http://www.rocky.edu/academics/academic-programs/undergraduate-majors/ 

Housing: http://www.rocky.edu/student-life/housing-residential-life/HallsPrices.php

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  http://rocky.edu/student-life/

Community Service: http://rocky.edu/student-life/career-services/community-service/

Study Abroad: http://rocky.edu/student-life/student-activities/international_programs/StudyAbroadOpportunities.php

Internships/Career Services: http://rocky.edu/student-life/career-services/

Athletics: NAIA Division I

Varsity: http://rocky.edu/athletics/ 

Outdoor Recreation: http://rocky.edu/student-life/student-activities/or/ 

Roger Williams University

Bristol, Rhode Island

Phone: 1-401-253-1040


Admissions Contact: admit@rwu.edu

Roger Williams University is an independent liberal arts University that combines the unique strengths of small liberal arts colleges and those of larger comprehensive universities and where liberal and professional education are enhanced by their integration and the recognition of their unity.

Admissions: http://www.rwu.edu/admission/

Campus Visits: http://www.rwu.edu/admission/visit/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.rwu.edu/admission/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.rwu.edu/academics/schools-colleges

Housing: http://www.rwu.edu/studentlife/residencelife/universityhousing/communities/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.rwu.edu/studentlife/studentprograms/organizations/

Study Abroad: http://www.rwu.edu/academics/study-abroad

Career Center and Internships: http://rwu.edu/campus-life/career-community/career-center/studentsalumni

Athletics: NCAA Division III

Athletics: http://www.rwu.edu/athletics/sports/

Rollins College

Winter Park, Florida

Phone: 1407-646-2000


Admission Contact: admission@rollins.edu

Rollins College educates students for global citizenship and responsible leadership, empowering graduates to pursue meaningful lives and productive careers.  We are committed to the liberal arts ethos and guided by its values and ideals.  Our guiding principles are excellence, innovation, and community.  We provide opportunities to explore diverse intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic traditions.  We are dedicated to scholarship, academic achievement, creative accomplishment, cultural enrichment, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.  We value excellence in teaching and rigorous, transformative education in a healthy, responsive, and inclusive environment. 

Admissions: http://www.rollins.edu/admission/admissioninfo/index.html

Campus Visits: http://www.rollins.edu/admission/visit/index.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.rollins.edu/finaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.rollins.edu/academics/areas-of-study/index.html

Housing: http://www.rollins.edu/reslife/

Greek Life: http://www.rollins.edu/fraternity-sorority-life/index.html

Clubs/Activities: http://www.rollins.edu/inclusion-and-campus-involvement/organizations/index.html

Study Abroad: http://www.rollins.edu/int-programs/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.rollins.edu/careerservices/internships/index.html

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Terre Haute, Indiana

Phone: 1-812-877-1511


Admissions Contact:  admissions@rose-hulman.edu 

Founded in 1874, Rose-Hulman is a leader in science, engineering and mathematics education offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees. With enrollment at approximately 2,300 students, our programs are enriched by liberal course work in the humanities and social sciences. Because of our well-designed curricula and hands-on approach to learning, our students graduate as problem solvers, with nearly 100% placement in a variety of careers or post-baccalaureate programs. Home to 2,100 undergraduate and 100 graduate students majoring in engineering, science or mathematics we prepare students for their careers, with emphasis on a hands-on education where students learn the value of teamwork.

Admissions: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions-financial-aid.aspx

Campus Visits:  http://www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions-financial-aid/get-to-know-rose-hulman/visiting.aspx

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/offices-and-services/financial-aid-office.aspx

Academic Majors: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/academics.aspx

Housing:  http://www.rose-hulman.edu/offices-and-services/student-life/campus-life/housing-and-residence-life.aspx

Greek Life: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/offices-and-services/student-life/student-activities/greek-life.aspx

Clubs/Activities: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions-financial-aid/student-life/student-groups.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/StudentAffairs/studyabroad.htm

Internships/Career Services: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/offices-and-services/career-services.aspx

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York

Phone: 1-518-276-6216


Admissions Contact: admissions@rpi.edu 

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1824, is the nation’s oldest technological research university. The university offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in engineering, the sciences, information technology, architecture, management, and the humanities and social sciences. Rensselaer faculty are known for pre-eminence in research conducted in a wide range of fields, with emphasis in biotechnology, nanotechnology, computational science and engineering, and the media arts and technology.

Admissions: http://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/index.html

Campus Visits:  http://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/visit/tours.html

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://admissions.rpi.edu/aid/index.html

Academic Majors: http://rpi.edu/academics/index.html

Housing:  http://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/life/residence.html

Greek Life: http://reslife.rpi.edu/update.do?catcenterkey=54

Clubs/Activities:  http://union.rpi.edu/clubs

Study Abroad: http://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/academics/reach.html

Internships/Career Services: http://rpi.edu/dept/cdc/index.html

Rutgers New Brunswick

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Phone: 1-732-445-4636


Admissions Contact: admissions@rutgers.edu

The history, the birthplace, the epicenter, the insight, the diversity, the vigor, the heart. Rutgers–New Brunswick is where New Jersey’s state university first took root, nearly 250 years ago. We are the state’s most comprehensive intellectual resource—the largest campus of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. We are the region’s most high-profile public research institution, with far-reaching impact.

Admissions: http://nb.rutgers.edu/admissions-aid/choosing-rutgers-new-brunswick

Campus Visits: http://newbrunswick.rutgers.edu/visit/visit-rutgers 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://nb.rutgers.edu/admissions-aid/financial-aid

Religious Affiliation: none

Academic Majors: http://admissions.rutgers.edu/academics/Majors.aspx

Housing: http://newbrunswick.rutgers.edu/campus-life/campus-housing

Greek Life: http://greeklife.rutgers.edu/

Clubs/Activities: http://getinvolved.rutgers.edu/

Study Abroad: http://nb.rutgers.edu/student-experience/internships-co-ops-study-abroad

Internships/Career Services: http://careers.rutgers.edu/page.cfm?page_id=281

Salve Regina University 

Newport, Rhode Island

Phone: 1-401- 847-6650


Admissions: admissions@salve.edu   

As a community that welcomes people of all beliefs, Salve Regina University, a Catholic institution founded by the Sisters of Mercy, seeks wisdom and promotes universal justice. The University through teaching and research prepares men and women for responsible lives by imparting and expanding knowledge, developing skills and cultivating enduring values. Through liberal arts and professional programs, students develop their abilities for thinking clearly and creatively, enhance their capacity for sound judgment and prepare for the challenge of learning throughout their lives. In keeping with the traditions of the Sisters of Mercy, and recognizing that all people are stewards of God’s creation, the University encourages students to work for a world that is harmonious, just and merciful.

Admissions: http://www.salve.edu/undergraduate-admission

Campus Visits: http://www.salve.edu/undergraduate-admission/campus-tours

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.salve.edu/office-service/financial-aid

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.salve.edu/academics/departments

Housing:  http://www.salve.edu/residence-halls

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.salve.edu/clubs-and-organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.salve.edu/office-service/study-abroad

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.salve.edu/career-development/students

Athletics: http://www.salveathletics.com/landing/index

San Diego State University

San Diego, California

Phone: 1-619-594-6336


Admissions Contact: prospective@sdsu.edu

The mission of San Diego State University shall be to provide well-balanced, high quality education for undergraduate and graduate students and to contribute to knowledge and the solution of problems through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. The university shall impart an appreciation and broad understanding of human experience throughout the world and the ages.

Admissions: http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/tours_events/tours.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://starter.sdsu.edu/fao/

Academic Majors: http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/majors.html

Housing:  http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/housing/ 

Greek Life: http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/cfsl/

Clubs/Activities: http://go.sdsu.edu/student_affairs/sll/student-orgs-list.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.ces.sdsu.edu/Pages/Engine.aspx?id=515

Internships/Career Services: http://go.sdsu.edu/student_affairs/career/counseling-select-major.aspx

Athletics: http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/athletics.html

San Francisco State University

San Francisco, California

Phone: 1-415-338-1113


Admissions Contact: ugadmit@sfsu.edu


San Francisco State University is a public comprehensive university located in San Francisco, California, United States. As part of the 23-campus California State University system, the university offers 118 different Bachelor’s degrees, 94 Master’s degrees, 5 Doctoral degrees including two Doctor of Education, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Ph.D in Education and Doctor of Physical Therapy Science, along with 26 teaching credentials among six academic colleges.

Admissions: http://www.sfsu.edu/future/

Campus Visits: http://www.sfsu.edu/future/visit/tours.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.sfsu.edu/future/costs/costs.html

Academic Majors: http://bulletin.sfsu.edu/programs/ 

Housing: http://www.sfsu.edu/future/housing/housing.html 

Greek Life: http://www.sfsu.edu/~sicc/greekorganizations.html 

Clubs/Activities: http://www.sfsu.edu/~sicc/organizationdirectory.html 

Study Abroad: http://oip.sfsu.edu/sfstateabroad/academics

Internships/Career Services: http://bulletin.sfsu.edu/resources/career-center/ 

Athletics: http://www.sfstategators.com/index.aspx

San Jose State University

San Jose, California

Phone: 1-408-924-1000


Admissions Contact:  http://www.sjsu.edu/contact/index.html

Founded in 1857, San José State is the oldest public institution of higher education on the West Coast.  San José State provides a comprehensive university education, granting bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 134 areas of study. Quality teaching and small classes are a priority at SJSU, where tenured professors teach introductory as well as advanced courses.

Admissions: http://www.sjsu.edu/future_students/

Campus visits: http://www.sjsu.edu/about_sjsu/visiting/tours/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.sjsu.edu/faso/

Academic Majors: http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/catalog/degrees/all-degrees.html

Housing: http://www.sjsu.edu/housingoptions/index.html 

Greek Life: http://www.sjsu.edu/getinvolved/frso/groups/ 

Clubs/Activities:  http://wpe.sjsu.edu/greenlight/pages/public/directory.php 

Career Center and Internships: http://www.sjsu.edu/employment/index.html

Athletics: NCAA Division I-A



Santa Clara University

Santa Clara, California

Phone: 1-408-554-4700


Admissions Contact: admission@scu.edu

Santa Clara University is a Catholic and Jesuit institution that makes student learning its central focus, promotes faculty and staff learning in its various forms, and exhibits organizational learning as it deals with the challenges facing it. Student learning takes place at the undergraduate and graduate level in an educational environment that integrates rigorous inquiry and scholarship, creative imagination, reflective engagement with society, and a commitment to fashioning a more humane and just world. As an academic community, we expand the boundaries of knowledge and insight through teaching, research, artistic expression, and other forms of scholarship.

Admissions: http://www.scu.edu/ugrad/index.cfm

Campus Visits: https://www.scu.edu/admission/undergraduate/visits-events/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.scu.edu/financialaid/

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic Church

Academic Majors: https://www.scu.edu/academics/undergraduate-programs/

Housing:  http://www.scu.edu/housing/

Greek Life:  No

Clubs/Activities:  https://www.scu.edu/campus-life/clubs–organizations/

Study Abroad: http://www.scu.edu/studyabroad/

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.scu.edu/careercenter/students/index.cfm

Sarah Lawrence College 

Bronxville, New York

Phone:  1-800-888-2858     


Admissions Contact: slcadmit@sarahlawrence.edu

The College welcomes men and women as students who display evidence of intellectual curiosity and stamina, concern for others, and the potential for personal growth. We are particularly committed to having our faculty, administration and student body reflect the social, racial and economic diversity that characterizes our society. We believe that education is enhanced by a diverse community, by the vitality of an ongoing dialogue among people with different experiences and beliefs. The educational aims and objectives of the College are realized through practices that center upon the growth of the individual and the crucial role played in this growth by the relationship between student and teacher. We believe this humanistic stance to be important in a time of increasing depersonalization and specialization.

Admissions: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/admission/

Campus Visits: http://www.slc.edu/admission/visit/index.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships:


Religious Affiliation:  None

Academic Majors: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/undergraduate/areas-of-study/   

Housing: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/student-life/housing-and-dining/

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/student-life/student-involvement/clubs-and-organizations.html

Community Service: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/student-life/community-partnerships/

Study Abroad: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/study-abroad-and-exchange/

Internships/Career Services: https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/student-life/career-services/

Savannah College of Art & Design

Savannah, Georgia

Phone:  1-800-869-7223     


Admissions Contact: admission@scad.edu

The Savannah College of Art and Design exists to prepare talented students for professional careers, emphasizing learning through individual attention in a positively oriented university environment. The Savannah College of Art and Design, an institution with distinctive yet complementary locations, will be recognized as the leader in defining art and design education. By employing innovation in all areas, SCAD will provide a superior education through talented and dedicated faculty and staff, leading-edge technology, advanced learning resources and comprehensive support services.

Admissions: http://www.scad.edu/admission/admission-information

Campus Visits: http://www.scad.edu/admission/visit-scad

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.scad.edu/admission/financial-aid-and-scholarships

Academic Majors: http://www.scad.edu/academics/programs

Housing: http://www.scad.edu/life/buildings-and-facilities/aca-residence-hall-scad

Clubs/Activities: http://www.scad.edu/life/student-involvement/student-clubs

Study Abroad: https://www.scad.edu/locations

Internships/Career Services: http://www.scad.edu/success/career-resources

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

Phone:  1-800-232-7242   


Admissions Contact: admiss@saic.edu

A leader in educating artists, designers, and scholars since 1866, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) offers nationally accredited undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate programs to more than 3,200 students from around the globe. Located in the heart of Chicago, SAIC has an educational philosophy built upon an interdisciplinary approach to art and design, giving students unparalleled opportunities to develop their creative and critical abilities, while working with renowned faculty who include many of the leading practitioners in their fields.

Admissions: http://www.saic.edu/admissions/ug/

Campus Visits: http://www.saic.edu/visit/campustours/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.saic.edu/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.saic.edu/degrees_resources/ug_degrees/index.html

Housing:  http://www.saic.edu/life/housing/index.html#overview

Clubs/Activities: http://www.saic.edu/lifeatsaic/campuslifeandinvolvement/studentgroups/

Study Abroad: http://www.saic.edu/academics/studyabroadoff-campus/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.saic.edu/lifeatsaic/careersandinternships/careeradvisingandservices/

School of the Museum of Fine Arts-Boston (Tufts University)

Boston, Massachusetts

Phone: 1-617-267-6100


Admissions Representative: admissions@smfa.edu 

The mission of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is to provide an education in the fine arts for undergraduate and graduate artists—inexperienced and advanced artists of widely ranging age groupings—that is interdisciplinary, self-directed, always evolving. It has special features: it values cultural, artistic, and intellectual diversity; it must include a wide range of media; it stresses the development of individual vision; it values art making more than adherence to curricular rules; it stays deeply in touch with the external world of art. If the mission is constant, its practice is always emerging.

Admissions: http://www.smfa.edu/admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.smfa.edu/visit-smfa

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.smfa.edu/financial-aid-scholarships

Academic Majors: http://www.smfa.edu/undergraduate

Undergraduate degree programs at the Museum School combine the artistic challenge of the SMFA’s studio programs and the academic rigor of Tufts University.

Housing: http://www.smfa.edu/student-housing

Internships/Career Services: http://www.smfa.edu/career-development

Scripps College   

Claremont, California

Phone: 1-909-621-8000


Admissions Contact:  admission@scrippscollege.edu

Founded by newspaper publisher and philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps in 1926, Scripps is the women’s college of The Claremont Colleges. Scripps women lay claim to the best of both worlds: a superb liberal arts education on one of America’s most beautiful college campuses as well as the opportunity to take advantage of educational and co-curricular offerings at four coed colleges literally next door to one another. Scripps graduates go on to some of the most prestigious graduate schools in the nation and leadership positions in a wide range of academic fields and endeavors.

Admissions: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/admission/apply/first-year-applicants

Campus Visits: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/admission/campus-visits

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/financial-aid/index.php

Academic Majors: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/academics/department/index.php

Housing:  http://www.scrippscollege.edu/students/residential-life/index.php

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.scrippscollege.edu/life/clorgs

Study Abroad: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/academics/off-campus/index.php

Career Services/Internships: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/students/career/internships/index.php

Seattle University         

Seattle, Washington                                                                                

Phone:  1-800 426-7123 or 1-206-296-6000                       


Admissions Contact: admissions@seattleu.edu

Seattle University is dedicated to educating the whole person, to professional formation, and to empowering leaders for a just and humane world. A Seattle University education teaches you about you, the world and your place in it. It’s the challenging and rewarding way of learning unique to the Jesuits, long-standing champions of the underserved. SU is the premier independent university of the Northwest in academic quality, Jesuit Catholic inspiration, and service to society.

Admissions: http://www.seattleu.edu/undergraduate-admissions/ 

Campus Visits: http://www.seattleu.edu/undergraduate-admissions/visit/ 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.seattleu.edu/undergraduate-admissions/finances/financial-aid/ 

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic Church

Academic Majors: http://www.seattleu.edu/undergraduate-admissions/academics/programs/

Housing: https://www.seattleu.edu/housing/

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  https://www.seattleu.edu/involvement/

Study Abroad: http://www.seattleu.edu/abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.seattleu.edu/careerservices/students

Sierra Nevada College   

Incline Village, Nevada

Phone: 1-866-412-INFO


Admissions Contact: admissions@sierranevada.edu

Our graduates will be scholars of and contributors to a sustainable world. SNC combines the liberal arts and professional preparedness through an interdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes entrepreneurial thinking and environmental, social, economic, and educational sustainability

Admissions: http://www.sierranevada.edu/admissions/undergrad/

Campus Visits: http://www.sierranevada.edu/admissions/undergrad/visit-us/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.sierranevada.edu/admissions/undergrad/financial-aid/

Religious Affiliation:  n/a

Academic Majors: http://www.sierranevada.edu/academics/

Housing: http://www.sierranevada.edu/resources/admitted-students/housing/

Greek Life:  No

Clubs/Activities: http://www.sierranevada.edu/student-life/student-activities/

Study Abroad: http://www.sierranevada.edu/academics/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.sierranevada.edu/academics/academic-services/career-services-2/

Athletics: http://www.sierranevada.edu/athletics/

Outdoor Adventure: http://www.sierranevada.edu/student-life/outdoor-adventure/

Skidmore College 

Saratoga Springs, New York

Phone:  1-800-867-6007     


Admissions Contact: admissions@skidmore.edu 

The principal mission of Skidmore College is the education of predominantly full-time undergraduates, a diverse population of talented students who are eager to engage actively in the learning process. The college seeks to prepare liberally educated graduates to continue their quest for knowledge and to make the choices required of informed, responsible citizens. Skidmore faculty and staff create a challenging yet supportive environment that cultivates students’ intellectual and personal excellence, encouraging them to expand their expectations of themselves while they enrich their academic understanding.

Admissions: http://www.skidmore.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://www.skidmore.edu/admissions/visit/schedule.php 

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.skidmore.edu/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/majors.php

Housing: http://www.skidmore.edu/reslife/residence-halls.php   

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.skidmore.edu/sga/clubs/index.php 

Study Abroad: http://www.skidmore.edu/ocse/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.skidmore.edu/career/index.php

Smith College

Northampton, Massachusetts

Phone: 1-800-383-3232


Admissions Representative: https://www.smith.edu/admission/contactoffice.php 

Smith College educates women of promise for lives of distinction. A college of and for the world, Smith links the power of the liberal arts to excellence in research and scholarship, developing leaders for society’s challenges. Smith educates women to understand the complexity of human history and the variety of the world’s cultures through engagement with social, political, aesthetic and scientific issues. Smith prepares women to fulfill their responsibilities to the local, national and global communities in which they live and to steward the resources that sustain them.

Admissions: http://www.smith.edu/admission/

Campus Visits: https://www.smith.edu/admission-aid/visits-programs

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.smith.edu/finaid/prospect/

Academic Majors: http://www.smith.edu/acad_programs_depts.php

Housing: https://www.smith.edu/admission/contactoffice.php

Clubs/Activities: https://smith.collegiatelink.net/Organizations

Greek Life:  No

Community Service: http://www.smith.edu/cso/

Study Abroad: http://www.smith.edu/studyabroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.smith.edu/lazaruscenter/internships.php

Student Newspaper: http://www.thesmithsophian.com

Soka University of America

Viejo, California

Phone: 1-888-600-SOKA


Admissions Representative: admissions@soka.edu

Soka University is a private, four-year liberal arts college and graduate school in Aliso Viejo, CA. SUA offers a 9:1 student/faculty ratio and study abroad for all undergraduate students. Half of SUA’s students have come from the US and half from 40 other countries. Soka University of America (SUA) is an independent, non-profit, public-benefit, co-educational, comprehensive institution of higher learning. Founded on the Buddhist principles of peace, human rights and the sanctity of life, SUA is open to students of all nationalities and beliefs and is committed to diversity in its academic community. SUA is founded on the belief that student-centered education is the best way to promote peace and human rights by fostering a global humanistic perspective on the world in which we live. The university prepares students for graduate studies and the world of work in an increasingly diverse and global society.

The initial degree offered at Soka University of America is a B.A. in Liberal Arts, with concentrations in Environmental Studies, Humanities, International Studies, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Each of these concentrations supports the Pacific Basin focus of Soka University of America, as well as its emphasis on leadership and contributive citizenship.

Admissions: http://www.soka.edu/admission_aid/Undergraduate-Admission/default.aspx

Campus Visits: http://www.soka.edu/about_soka/visit_soka/default.aspx

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.soka.edu/admission_aid/financial_aid/default.aspx

Religious Affiliation: founded on Buddhist principles

Academic Majors: http://www.soka.edu/academics/concentrations/default.aspx

Housing: http://www.soka.edu/student_life/housing/default.aspx

Clubs/Activities: http://www.soka.edu/student_life/student-activities/student-clubs-and-organizations.aspx

Community Service: http://www.soka.edu/student_life/student-services/community-services-and-internships.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.soka.edu/academics/study-abroad-and-international-internships/default.aspx.

Internships/Career Services: http://www.soka.edu/student_life/student-services/career_services/students.aspx

Sonoma State University

Rohnert Park, California

Phone: 1-707-664-2874    


Admissions Contact:  inquiry.response@sonoma.edu

Sonoma State University recognizes that its first obligation is to develop and maintain excellent programs of undergraduate instruction grounded in the liberal arts and sciences. Instructional programs are designed to challenge students not only to acquire knowledge but also to develop the skills of critical analysis, careful reasoning, creativity, and self-expression. Excellence in undergraduate education requires that students participate in a well-planned program that provides both a liberal education and opportunities for specific career preparation.

Admissions: http://www.sonoma.edu/admissions/ftf/

Campus Visits: http://www.sonoma.edu/future/tours.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.sonoma.edu/finaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.sonoma.edu/academics/majors-undergrad.html

Housing:  http://www.sonoma.edu/housing/

Greek Life: http://www.sonoma.edu/campuslife/fslife/

Clubs/Activities: http://www.sonoma.edu/campuslife/clubs/

Study Abroad: http://www.sonoma.edu/cie/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.sonoma.edu/career/student_services/internships.html

Southern Illinois University-Carbondale    

Carbondale, Illinois

Phone:  1-618-536-4405


Admissions Contact: admissions@siu.edu

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, now in its second century, is a

major public higher education institution dedicated to quality academic

endeavors in teaching and research, to supportive programming for

student needs and development, to effective social and economic

initiatives in community, regional, and statewide contexts, and to

affirmative action and equal opportunity.

Admissions: http://admissions.siuc.edu

Campus Visits: http://admissions.siuc.edu/visit/index.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://fao.siu.edu/

Academic Majors: http://admissions.siuc.edu/majors/index.php

Housing:  http://www.housing.siu.edu

Greek Life: http://fsl.siu.edu/ 

Clubs/Activities: http://studentcenter.siu.edu/activities/    

Community Service: http://cslv.siu.edu/

Study Abroad: http://cie.siu.edu/sa/

Internships/Career Services: http://careerservices.siu.edu/

Athletics:  NCAA I-AA

Varsity: http://siusalukis.cstv.com/index-main.html

Southern Methodist University

Dallas, Texas

Phone: 1-800-323-0672    


Admissions Contact: ugadmission@smu.edu

As a private, comprehensive university enriched by its United Methodist heritage and its partnership with the Dallas Metroplex, Southern Methodist University seeks to enhance the intellectual, cultural, technical, ethical and social development of a diverse student body. SMU offers undergraduate programs centered on the liberal arts; excellent graduate, professional, and continuing education programs; and abundant opportunities for access to faculty in small classes, research experience, international study, leadership development and off-campus service and internships, with the goal of preparing students to be contributing citizens and leaders for our state, the nation and the world.

Admissions: http://www.smu.edu/Admission

Campus Visits: http://www.smu.edu/Admission/Visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.smu.edu/Admission/FinancialAid

Religious Affiliation:  United Methodist Church

Academic Majors: http://www.smu.edu/Admission/Academics/Majors

Housing:  http://www.smu.edu/studentaffairs/housing/

Greek Life:  http://smu.edu/fsl/

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.smu.edu/Admission/CampusLife/ActivitiesOrganizations

Study Abroad: http://www.smu.edu/Admission/Academics/Abroad

Career Center and Internships: http://www.smu.edu/StudentAffairs/Career/Internships

Athletics: https://sites.smu.edu/athletics/staff_directory.asp

Southern Oregon University

Ashland, Oregon

Phone:  1-800-482-7672     


Admissions Contact: admissions@sou.edu 

Our four-year university specializes in a strong liberal arts and sciences curriculum balanced with career-focused preparation. Southern Oregon University challenges individuals to grow intellectually and personally as life long learners. We are an inclusive community that fosters student success by teaching, serving, creating, and leading. We engage regional, national, and international partners in meaningful research and civic, professional and artistic contributions.

Admissions: http://www.sou.edu/admissions/

Campus visits: http://www.sou.edu/admissions/campus-tours.html

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.sou.edu/enrollment/financial-aid/

Academic Majors: http://www.sou.edu/academics.html

Housing:  http://www.sou.edu/housing/

Clubs/Activities:  https://inside.sou.edu/clubs/index.html

Study Abroad: https://inside.sou.edu/international/study-abroad.html

Internships/Career Services: https://inside.sou.edu/careers/index.html

Athletics: http://souraiders.com/index.aspx

Southwestern University CTCL

Georgetown, Texas

Phone: 1-800-252-3166


Admissions Contact:  admission@southwestern.edu   

Committed to “Fostering a liberal arts community whose values and actions encourage contributions toward the well-being of humanity,” Southwestern is unique in many ways. Our location in the heart of Central Texas allows our 1,528 students to enjoy the warm, small-town feel of historic Georgetown as well as the close proximity of Austin with its vibrant, innovative and creative culture. Southwestern’s residential campus offers a true liberal arts education with small classes and numerous collaborative undergraduate research opportunities. Outside the classroom, students are civically engaged and volunteer in the community at more than twice the national average! Half of all students study abroad and most take advantage of leadership, service and activism opportunities in Southwestern’s 90+ student organizations. Our scholar-athletes compete on one of 20 NCAA Division III varsity teams. Go Pirates!

Religious Affiliation: historically Methodist

Admissions: http://www.southwestern.edu/admission/

Campus Visits: http://www.southwestern.edu/visit/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.southwestern.edu/aid/

Academic Majors: http://www.southwestern.edu/departments/

Housing:  http://www.southwestern.edu/offices/reslife/

Greek Life: http://www.southwestern.edu/studentlife/orgs/greek.php

Clubs/Activities: http://www.southwestern.edu/studentlife/orgs.php

Study Abroad: http://www.southwestern.edu/offices/international/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.southwestern.edu/offices/careers/

Athletics: http://www.southwestern.edu/athletics/

Seattle Pacific University                  

Seattle, Washington

Phone: 1-800-366-3344


Admissions Contact: admissions@spu.edu

SPU seeks to be a premiere Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom and modeling grace-filled community. Located just minutes from downtown Seattle, the leading urban center in the Pacific Northwest, SPU is committed to engaging and serving in the modern city, cultivating a global consciousness, supporting the church, and addressing the crisis of meaning in our culture.

Religious Affiliation:  Free Methodist Church of North America

Admissions: http://www.spu.edu/depts/ugadm/

Campus Visits: http://spu.edu/depts/ugadm/visits/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://spu.edu/depts/ugadm/applyingtospu/costs.asp

Academic Majors: http://www.spu.edu/depts/ugadm/applyingtospu/majorsminors.asp

Housing:  http://www.spu.edu/depts/reslife/

Clubs/Activities: http://spu.edu/administration/office-of-student-life/activities-clubs 

Study Abroad: http://www.spu.edu/acad/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.spu.edu/depts/cdc/students/internships/index.asp

Athletics: http://www.spufalcons.com/

St. Andrews University

Laurinburg, North Carolina

Phone:  1-800-763-0198


Admissions Contact: admissions@sa.edu 

A St. Andrews’s education is focused on YOU. The St. Andrews experience includes a top-quality education in addition to providing a nourishing environment in which students learn and grow as individuals. St. Andrews is unique among colleges. We believe you will discover the process for transforming your life while you are here. You will use this time to read, think, research, question, and explore ideas. The St. Andrews community has people of all persuasions with all kinds of ideas and aspirations.

Religious Affiliation:  Presbyterian

Admissions: https://www.sa.edu/admissions/admissions-requirements

Campus visits: https://www.sa.edu/admissions-pages/visit

Scholarships/Financial Aid: https://www.sa.edu/admissions/financial-aid

Academic Majors: https://www.sa.edu/academics/available-majors

Housing: https://www.sa.edu/life-on-campus

Greek Life:  None

Clubs/Activities: https://www.sa.edu/life-on-campus/clubs-and-organizations

Equestrian: https://www.sa.edu/equestrian

Study Abroad: https://www.sa.edu/academics/study-abroad-program

Career Services/Internships: https://www.sa.edu/life-on-campus/career-services

Athletics: http://www.sauknights.com/

St. Catherine University

St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

Phone: 1-800-945-4599


Admissions Contact: admissions@stkate.edu 

St. Catherine University is committed to the development of effective, ethical leaders. Through study, practice and life experience, individuals have opportunities to enrich the knowledge, refine the skills and clarify the attitudes essential for responsible action.

Admissions: https://www.stkate.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admission/

Campus Visits:  https://www.stkate.edu/admissions/visit/traditional-undergraduate-campus-visit

Scholarships/Financial Aid: https://www2.stkate.edu/ug-admission/finaid-firstyear?_ga=1.257945803.1552696781.1452562779

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic

Academic Majors: https://www2.stkate.edu/academic-programs-degrees/bachelor

Housing:  https://www2.stkate.edu/residence-life/home

Greek Life: none

Clubs/Activities:  https://www2.stkate.edu/sca-stpaul/clubs-orgs

Study Abroad: https://www.stkate.edu/academics/academic-enhancement/global-studies 

Internships/Career Services: https://www.stkate.edu/students/support-and-assistance/career-development/internships

Athletics: https://www.stkate.edu/athletics

St. Edwards University

Austin, Texas

Phone: 1-855-468-6738 (toll free)


Admissions Contact: seu.admit@stedwards.edu 

The Congregation of Holy Cross founded St. Edward’s more than a century ago, encouraging students to think critically, act ethically, embrace diversity, strive for social justice and recognize their responsibility to the world community. These traits, combined with challenging academic programs in the arts, sciences and humanities, distinguish a top liberal arts university, and prepare students for success and deep personal fulfillment.

Admissions: https://www.stedwards.edu/admission-financial-aid/undergraduate

Campus Visits: http://www.stedwards.edu/admission/visit-campus/undergraduate

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.stedwards.edu/admission/newfreshmen/scholarships

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.stedwards.edu/academics/bachelors/programs

Housing: http://www.stedwards.edu/life/campusliving/housing

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stedwards.edu/life/studentcommunity/organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.stedwards.edu/global/programs-abroad/study-abroad

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.stedwards.edu/academics/undergraduate/careerandprofessionaldevelopment

St. John’s College CTCL

(campuses in Annapolis, Maryland & Santa Fe, New Mexico) 

Annapolis, Maryland
Phone: 1-800-727-9238

Admissions Contact: Annapolis.admissions@sjc.edu

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Phone: 1-800-331-5232

Admissions Contact: santafe.admissions@sjc.edu


St. John’s College is a co-educational, four year liberal arts college known for its distinctive “great books” curriculum. St. John’s is a single college located on two campuses, one in Annapolis, Maryland, and another in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The campuses share an identical curriculum (changes must be approved by both halves of the faculty) and a single governing board. Each campus is limited to well under 500 students, and the faculty-student ratio is 1 to 8. The all-required course of study is based on the reading, study, and discussion of the most important books of the Western tradition. There are no majors and no departments; all students follow the same program. Students study from the classics of literature, philosophy, theology, psychology, political science, economics, history, mathematics, laboratory sciences, and music. No textbooks are used. The books are read in roughly chronological order, beginning with ancient Greece and continuing to modern times. All classes are discussion-based. There are no class lectures; instead, the students meet together with faculty members (called tutors) to explore the books being read.

Admissions: http://www.sjca.edu/admissions-and-aid/undergraduate-admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.sjc.edu/admissions-and-aid/undergraduate-admissions/visit-1

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stjohnscollege.edu/finaid/main.shtml

Academic Majors:  http://www.sjc.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate

Housing: http://www.sjc.edu/student-life

Clubs/Activities: http://www.sjc.edu/student-life/annapolis/clubs-organizations


Study Abroad: http://www.stjohnscollege.edu/admin/SF/gp/308/work.shtml#study

Because our curriculum is all-required, we do not have a study abroad program, but many of our students do study or travel abroad during the summers.

Internships/Career Services: http://www.sjc.edu/career-success/annapolis


St. Johns University

Jamaica, New York

Phone: 1-718-990-2000


Admissions Contact: admission@stjohns.edu

Founded in 1870, St. John’s is a Catholic and Vincentian university that prepares students for personal and professional success in today’s global society. Our quality springs from an institutional vision of excellence and service.  St. John’s gives talented students from all backgrounds a personal and professional edge through an outstanding education that builds upon their individual abilities and aspirations. Student successes include a record 10 Fulbright Award winners in 2013 and the winning record of St. John’s Mock Trial Team, which has beaten competitors from top universities across the country. Students come from nearly 50 states and close to 120 foreign countries to pursue more than 100 associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in the arts, business, education, law, pharmacy, and the sciences. The Red Storm is another big draw, embodying our 107-year-old tradition of men’s and women’s athletics. St. John’s has three residential New York City campuses; an academic center in Oakdale, NY; international campuses in Rome, Italy, and Paris, France; and study abroad locations in Seville, Spain, and around the world.

Admissions: http://www.stjohns.edu/admission-aid/undergraduate-admission

Campus Visits:  http://www.stjohns.edu/plan-your-visit

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.stjohns.edu/admission-aid/tuition-and-financial-aid

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic 

Academic Majors: http://www.stjohns.edu/academics/programs-and-majors

Housing:  http://www.stjohns.edu/student-life/queens-campus-life/residence-life

Greek Life: None

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stjohns.edu/about/events/Student-Life

Study Abroad: http://www.stjohns.edu/global-studies

Internships/Career Services: http://www.stjohns.edu/career-services

St. Joseph University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Phone: 1-610-660-1300


Admissions Contact: admit@sju.edu   

Founded in 1851, Saint Joseph’s is an independent, Catholic, Jesuit university teaching disciplined reasoning, effective communication, and a love of learning. The University combines the Jesuit traditions of academic excellence and service to produce successful students who seek to make a good world better. An academically rigorous and supportive community, Saint Joseph’s challenges its students to exceed their highest ambitions, foster the development of values, and deepen a desire to shape the world.

Admissions: https://www.sju.edu/admission/undergraduate

Campus Visits: https://www.sju.edu/admission/undergraduate/schedule-your-visit-sju

Financial Aid/Scholarships: https://www.sju.edu/admission/undergraduate/financial-aid

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Jesuit)

Academic Majors: https://www.sju.edu/majors-programs/undergraduate 

Housing: https://www.sju.edu/campus-life/residence-life-and-dining

Greek Life: (upperclassmen only) http://www.sju.edu/int//studentlife/studentleadership/greeklife/index.html

Clubs/Activities: http://sju.edu/int/studentlife/studentleadership/Student%20Organizations/ 

Community Service: https://www.sju.edu/campus-life/community-service

Study Abroad: https://internationalprograms.sju.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=0&Link_ID=97E721D3-5056-BA1F-74916934C6CB15D0

Internships/Career Services: http://www.sju.edu/int/studentlife/studentresources/careers/

Athletics: NCAA Division I-AAA

Athletics: https://www.sju.edu/campus-life/athletics

Varsity: http://www.sjuhawks.com/ 

St. Lawrence University 

Canton, New York

Phone: 1-800-285-1856


Admissions Contact: admissions@stlawu.edu


St. Lawrence University is a vibrant, collaborative community of learners who value thought and action. Students tap their full potential as they embrace the natural environment, engage with global challenges, and experience the relevance and adventure of a liberal arts education in a complex and changing world. The mission of St. Lawrence University is to provide an inspiring and demanding undergraduate education in the liberal arts to students selected for their seriousness of purpose and intellectual promise.

No SAT’s required

Admissions: http://www.stlawu.edu/admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.stlawu.edu/admissions/check-us-out

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stlawu.edu/financialaid

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.stlawu.edu/academics

Housing: http://www.stlawu.edu/residence-life 

Greek Life: http://www.stlawu.edu/news/two-slu-fraternities-earn-campus-housing-2015 

Clubs/Activities: http://www.stlawu.edu/studentlife 

Study Abroad: http://www.stlawu.edu/ciis

Internships/Career Services:  http://www.stlawu.edu/career-services

Athletics: http://www.saintsathletics.com/

St. Leo’s University 

Saint Leo, Florida

Phone: 1-800-334-5532


Admissions Contact: admissions@saintleo.edu 

Founded in 1889, Saint Leo University is a leading Catholic teaching institution that enrolls nearly 16,000 students across our traditional Florida campus, 33 education center locations, and online degree programs.

Admissions: http://www.saintleo.edu/admissions/undergraduate.aspx

Campus Visits: http://www.saintleo.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visit-saint-leo.aspx

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.saintleo.edu/admissions/undergraduate/costs-financial-aid.aspx

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.saintleo.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors-minors.aspx

Housing: http://www.saintleo.edu/campus-life/living-at-saint-leo.aspx

Greek Life: 5 sororities, 6 fraternities http://www.saintleo.edu/campus-life/get-involved/greek-life.aspx


Study Abroad: http://www.saintleo.edu/academics/undergraduate/study-abroad.aspx

Internships/Career Services: http://www.saintleo.edu/resources/career-planning/students.aspx

Athletics: http://www.saintleolions.com/landing/index

Saint Louis University 

St. Louis, Missouri

Phone: 1.800.SLU.FOR.U    


Admissions Contact: http://www.slu.edu/admission/freshman/contact.php

Admissions Counselor assigned by home state

The mission of Saint Louis University is the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity. The University seeks excellence in the fulfillment of its corporate purposes of teaching, research, health care and service to the community. It is dedicated to leadership in the continuing quest for understanding of God’s creation and for the discovery, dissemination and integration of the values, knowledge and skills required to transform society in the spirit of the Gospels. As a Catholic, Jesuit university, this pursuit is motivated by the inspiration and values of the Judeo-Christian tradition and is guided by the spiritual and intellectual ideals of the Society of Jesus.

Admissions: http://www.slu.edu/undergraduate-admission

Campus Visits: http://www.slu.edu/undergraduate-admission/slu-visits

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.slu.edu/financial-aid/types-of-aid/scholarships.php

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic 

Academic Majors: http://www.slu.edu/x5405.xml

Housing:  http://www.slu.edu/reslife.xml

Greek Life:  http://www.slu.edu/x24570.xml

Clubs/Activities:  https://groups.sluconnection.com/organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.slu.edu/study-abroad-home

Internships/Career Services: http://slu.edu/x28683.xml

Athletics: http://slubillikens.com/

St. Martin’s University

Lacey, Washington

Phone:  1-800-368-8803     


Admissions Contact: admissions@stmartin.edu

With the Catholic, Benedictine tradition as our guide, we accomplish our mission by recognizing the spiritual and ethical dimensions of all human activity and by celebrating the uniqueness and worth of each human being. Our goal is to provide a living and learning environment that prepares students for active, responsible, and productive lives in their professions and as members of the local and global community.

Admissions: http://www.stmartin.edu/admissions/undergraduate

Campus Visits: http://www.stmartin.edu/admissions/undergraduate/campusVisit.aspx 

Scholarships/Financial Aid: https://www.stmartin.edu/admissions-aid/financial-aid

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic Church

Academic Majors: http://www.stmartin.edu/admissions/undergraduate/academicPrograms.aspx

Housing: https://www.stmartin.edu/student-life/housing-and-dining 

Greek Life: None

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stmartin.edu/campus_life/StudentInvolvement/clubs.aspx

Study Abroad: http://www.stmartin.edu/oipd/StudyAbroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.stmartin.edu/careercenter/ 


St Mary’s College of Maryland

St. Mary’s City, Maryland

Phone: 1-240-895-2000


Admissions Contact: admissions@smcm.edu

Founded in 1840, St. Mary’s enjoys a unique status in higher education as Maryland’s public honors college. As Maryland’s public honors college, St. Mary’s offers an undergraduate liberal arts education and small-college experience like those found at exceptional private colleges. St. Mary’s shares the hallmarks of private institutions: an outstanding faculty, talented students, high academic standards, a challenging curriculum, small classes, a sense of community, and a spirit of intellectual inquiry. St. Mary’s is named for the place it marks: the 17th-century capital of Maryland. The spectacular waterfront setting is in the heart of the Chesapeake Bay region. The campus is 70 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. and 95 miles south of Baltimore.

Admissions: http://www.smcm.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://www.smcm.edu/admissions/visit-campus/tours-interviews/   

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.smcm.edu/financialaid/

Religious Affiliation: none 

Academic Majors: http://www.smcm.edu/academics/majors-minors-concentrations/

Housing: http://www.smcm.edu/residencelife/housing/living-on-campus/ 

Clubs/Activities: http://www.smcm.edu/campus-life/getting-involved/ 

Study Abroad: http://www.smcm.edu/academics/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.smcm.edu/academics/internships/ 

Athletics: http://www.smcmathletics.com/landing/index

Varsity Sailing: http://www.smcm.edu/waterfront/sailing/

St. Mary’s College of California   CTCL

Moraga, California

Phone: 1-800-800-4SMC


Admissions Contact: smcadmit@stmarys-ca.edu    

At Saint Mary’s you’ll experience a blend of attributes found nowhere else. We offer a challenging core curriculum rooted in the great books, a belief in the practice of shared inquiry, a location spilling over with resources, a focus on Catholic, Lasallian and liberal arts tradition, unmatched faculty dedication and more. When you become a student at Saint Mary’s you step into the center of the College’s academic community.

Admissions: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/undergraduate-admissions

Campus Visits: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/undergraduate-admissions/visiting-campus

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/admissions/financial-aid 

Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic Church

Academic Majors: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/academics/majors-minors

Housing:  http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/student-life/living-on-campus

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/student-organizations

Study Abroad: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/study-abroad

Internships/Career Services: http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/career-center/internships

St Mary’s of Notre Dame 

Santa Clara, California

Phone: 1-800-551-7621


Admissions Contact: admission@saintmarys.edu

Saint Mary’s College is a Catholic, residential, women’s college in the liberal arts tradition. A pioneer in the education of women, the College is an academic community where women develop their talents and prepare to make a difference in the world. Founded by the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1844, Saint Mary’s promotes a life of intellectual vigor, aesthetic appreciation, religious sensibility, and social responsibility. All members of the College remain faithful to this mission and continually assess their response to the complex needs and challenges of the contemporary world.

Admissions: https://www.saintmarys.edu/admission-aid/first-year-students

Campus Visits: https://www.saintmarys.edu/admission-aid/visit-campus

Financial Aid/Scholarships: https://www.saintmarys.edu/admission-aid/financial-aid

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: https://www.saintmarys.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors 

Housing: https://www.saintmarys.edu/student-life/residence-life 

Greek Life:  No

Clubs/Activities: http://belletower.orgsync.com/orgs 

Study Abroad: https://cwil.saintmarys.edu/saint-marysprograms

Internships/Career Services: https://www.saintmarys.edu/career-center/students 

Athletics: https://www.saintmarys.edu/athletics/varsity-athletics

Saint Olaf College CTCL                        

Northfield, Minnesota                                         Phone:  1-800-800-3025                     


Admissions Contact: admissions@stolaf.edu

Recognized as one of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges, St. Olaf offers an academically rigorous education with a vibrant faith tradition as a college of the Lutheran church. St. Olaf prepares students to become responsible citizens of the world by fostering the development of mind, body, and spirit. Known for its programs in mathematics, the natural sciences, and music, St. Olaf College is committed to global education and a leader in undergraduate study abroad.

Admissions: http://www.stolaf.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://wp.stolaf.edu/admissions/visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stolaf.edu/services/financialaid/  

Religious Affiliation:  Lutheran

Academic Majors: http://wp.stolaf.edu/academics/departments/

Housing: http://wp.stolaf.edu/reslife/

Clubs/Activities: http://fusion.stolaf.edu/orgs/

Study Abroad: http://www.stolaf.edu/international/

Internships/Career Services: http://wp.stolaf.edu/pipercenter/internships-getting-started

Athletics: http://athletics.stolaf.edu/

St. Thomas University

Miami Gardens, Florida



Admissions Contact: signup@stu.edu

St. Thomas University is an urban, student-centered, Catholic university with rich cultural and international diversity, dedicated to developing leaders who contribute to the economic and cultural vitality of the regions they serve.  Dedicated to the mission of “Developing Leaders for Life,” St. Thomas University looks to instill the academic, professional and social skills necessary for each of our students to become exemplary leaders in their chosen field and in their community as a whole.

Admissions: http://www.stu.edu/Admissions/tabid/100/Default.aspx

Campus Visits: https://go.stu.edu/Admissions/Visit-STU

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stu.edu/Admissions/Financial-Aid

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.stu.edu/Academics/Programs

Housing: http://www.stu.edu/students/Housing

Clubs/Activities: http://www.stu.edu/students/Student-Affairs/Clubs-and-Organizations

Community Service: http://www.stu.edu/Life-at-STU/Community-Engagement

Study Abroad: https://www.stu.edu/biscayne/Programs/Study-Abroad   

Internships/Career Services: https://www.stu.edu/students/Student-Success-Center/Career-Services

Athletics: NAIA Division II

Varsity: http://www.stubobcats.com/ 

Stanford University

Stanford, California

Phone:  1-650-723-2091     


Admissions Contact: http://admission.stanford.edu/contact/index.html

Online form for contacting admissions 

Stanford is one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities, offering graduate and undergraduate degrees in seven schools: business, earth sciences, education, engineering, humanities and sciences, law and medicine. Stanford’s entrepreneurial character draws from its Western location and the legacy of its founders, Jane and Leland Stanford. Current faculty have won 16 Nobel Prizes and four Pulitzer Prizes. Areas of excellence cross disciplines, ranging over humanities, social sciences, engineering, and the sciences. Stanford is a residential university; 88 percent of undergraduates and 55 percent of graduate students live on the core campus. Undergraduate housing includes 78 diverse residential facilities.

Admissions Rate: 6%    Retention Rate: 99%     4 Year Graduation Rate: 96%

Admissions: http://admission.stanford.edu/

Campus Visits: http://visit.stanford.edu/tours/

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/finaid/

Academic Majors:  http://www.stanford.edu/academics/departments.html

Housing: https://rde.stanford.edu/studenthousing/housing-options   

Greek Life:  Yes, 13% of total student population goes Greek. https://rde.stanford.edu/studenthousing/row 

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stanford.edu/dept/uga/student/organizations/index.html

Study Abroad: http://global.stanford.edu/

Internships/Career Services: http://med.stanford.edu/careercenter/jobpostings/internships.html

Stetson University

Deland, Florida

Phone:  1-386-822-7100


Admissions Contact: admissions@stetson.edu

A Stetson University education helps students do all three, and more, through inspired learning, attention to values, and valuable life experiences.

There’s a big difference in the way SU approaches education, compared to schools with student populations the size of cities.

Admissions: http://www.stetson.edu/administration/admissions/first-year-students.php

Campus Visits:

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.stetson.edu/administration/financial-planning/

Academic Majors: http://www.stetson.edu/academics/programs.php

Housing:  http://www.stetson.edu/housing

Greek Life: http://www.stetson.edu/administration/greek/index.php 

Clubs/Activities: http://www.stetson.edu/administration/vibrancy/orgs/

Study Abroad: http://www.stetson.edu/other/world/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.stetson.edu/portal/career/

Athletics: http://www.gohatters.com/

     NCAA Division I

Stevens Institute of Technology    

Hoboken, New Jersey

Phone:  1-210-216-5100


Admissions Contact: admissions@stevens.edu

Stevens Institute of Technology creates new knowledge and educates and inspires students to acquire the competencies needed to lead in scientific discovery and in the creation, application and management of technology to solve complex problems and to build new enterprises.

Admissions: https://www.stevens.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions   

Campus Visits: https://www.stevens.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/visit-campus

Financial Aid/Scholarships: https://www.stevens.edu/admissions/tuition-financial-aid

Academic Majors: https://www.stevens.edu/academics/undergraduate-studies/undergraduate-majors

Housing: https://www.stevens.edu/campus-life/residence-life 

Greek Life: https://www.stevens.edu/campus-life/greek-life-stevens 

Clubs/Activities: https://www.stevens.edu/campus-life/undergraduate-student-life/student-organizations 

Study Abroad: https://www.stevens.edu/academics/undergraduate-studies/study-abroad

Internships/Career Services: https://www.stevens.edu/directory/stevens-career-center

Athletics: http://www.stevensducks.com/

Stonehill College

North Eaton, Massachusetts 

Phone: 1-888-694-4554


Admissions Contact: admission@stonehill.edu

Stonehill College, a Catholic institution of higher learning founded by the Congregation of Holy Cross, is a community of scholarship and faith, anchored by a belief in the inherent dignity of each person. Through its curriculum of liberal arts and sciences and pre-professional programs, Stonehill College provides an education of the highest caliber that fosters critical thinking, free inquiry and the interchange of ideas. Stonehill College educates the whole person so that each Stonehill graduate thinks, acts, and leads with courage toward the creation of a more just and compassionate world.

Admissions: http://www.stonehill.edu/admission/

Campus Visits: http://www.stonehill.edu/admission/visit/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.stonehill.edu/admission/tuition-financial-aid/

Religious Affiliation: Catholic

Academic Majors: http://www.stonehill.edu/academics/areas-of-study/

Housing:  http://www.stonehill.edu/student-life/housing-dining/

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stonehill.edu/offices-services/student-activities/

Study Abroad: http://www.stonehill.edu/academics/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.stonehill.edu/academics/internships/

Athletics: http://www.stonehill.edu/athletics-recreational-sports/ncaa-athletics/

NCAA Division II

Stony Brook University

Stoney Brook, New York

Phone: 1631-632-6868


Admissions Contact: enroll@stonybrook.edu

Stony Brook’s reach extends from its 1,039-acre campus on Long Island’s North Shore–encompassing the main academic areas, an 8,300-seat stadium and sports complex and Stony Brook Medicine–to Stony Brook Manhattan, a Research and Development Park, four business incubators including one at Calverton, New York, and the Stony Brook Southampton campus on Long Island’s East End. Stony Brook also co-manages Brookhaven National Laboratory, joining Princeton, the University of Chicago, Stanford, and the University of California on the list of major institutions involved in a research collaboration with a national lab.   Stony Brook is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, the invitation-only organization of the 62 best research universities in North America. There are 68 undergraduate majors and 80 minors and more than 100 master’s programs, 40 doctoral programs and 30 graduate certificate programs. Stony Brook is one of 10 universities given a National Science Foundation recognition award for integrating research and education. The internationally recognized research facilities of Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are nearby.

Admissions: http://stonybrook.edu/undergraduate-admissions/

Campus Visits: http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/undergraduate-admissions/visit/

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/undergraduate-admissions/cost-and-financial-aid/

Academic Majors: http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/undergraduate-admissions/academics/

Housing:  http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/undergraduate-admissions/campus-life/#view-living

Greek Life: http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/sac/fraternities_sororities/fshome.shtml

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.stonybrook.edu/undergraduate-admissions/campus-life/#view-activities

Study Abroad: http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/undergraduate-admissions/academics/study-abroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://career.stonybrook.edu/

SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry                    Syracuse, New York


http://www.esf.edu/                            Admissions Contact: esfinfo@esf.edu 

The College of Environmental Science and Forestry is an extraordinary teaching and research institution. The mission of the College is to advance knowledge and skills and to promote the leadership necessary for the stewardship of both the natural and designed environments.

Admissions: http://www.esf.edu/admissions/

Campus Visits: http://www.esf.edu/admissions/visit.htm

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.esf.edu/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.esf.edu/admissions/programs.htm

Housing: http://www.esf.edu/housing/freshman.htm

Greek Life: http://fasa.syr.edu/ 

Clubs/Activities: http://www.esf.edu/students/involvement/clubs.htm

Community Service: http://www.esf.edu/students/service/

Study Abroad: http://www.esf.edu/studyabroad/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.esf.edu/internships/

Athletics: http://www.esfathletics.com/landing/index

State University of New York-Geneseo (aka SUNY Geneseo)

Geneseo, New York

Phone:  1-866-245-5211


Admissions Contact: admissions@geneseo.edu   

SUNY Geneseo, nationally recognized as a center of excellence in undergraduate education, is a public liberal arts college with selected professional and master’s level programs. It combines a rigorous curriculum and a rich co-curricular life to create a learning-centered environment. The entire college community works together to develop socially responsible citizens with skills and values important to the pursuit of an enriched life and success in the world.

Admissions: http://www.geneseo.edu/admissions

Campus Visits: https://www.geneseo.edu/admissions/campus-tours

Financial Aid/Scholarships: https://www.geneseo.edu/financial_aid

Academic Majors: http://www.geneseo.edu/academics

Housing: http://www.geneseo.edu/residence_life

Greek Life:  http://www.geneseo.edu/greek

Clubs/Activities: https://www.geneseo.edu/student_life/student-organization-directory

Community Service: http://www.geneseo.edu/volunteer_center

Study Abroad: http://www.geneseo.edu/study_abroad

Internships/Career Services: https://www.geneseo.edu/career_development

Athletics: http://geneseoknights.com/landing/index

SUNY – New Paltz 

New Paltz, New York

Phone: 1-845-257-3209


Admissions Contact: admissions@newpaltz.edu

The State University of New York at New Paltz is a creative, diverse, challenging and supportive environment where you get a degree from a highly selective university and an education, rich in experiences, that will last a lifetime.  At New Paltz, you are encouraged to explore and take intellectual risks, to find your passion, to begin your path and to find your voice.

New Paltz faculty have been cited for excellence in teaching – SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching and SUNY Distinguished Faculty – and numerous research honors such as Fulbright, Guggenheim, National Science Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts fellowships.

At New Paltz, the learning atmosphere has an air of imaginative inquiry that bridges all academic endeavors.  The faculty encourages students to question, experiment, and discover in ways that lead to innovative thinking.

New Paltz is a vibrant, historic village (pop. 14,003) in New York State’s Hudson Valley region, midway between Albany and New York City.  Our campus offers beautiful views of the Shawangunk Mountains and easy access to outdoor recreation such as hiking, kayaking, climbing and biking as well as a wide variety of restaurants, specialty shops, historic sites, and local entertainment venues.

Admissions: http://www.newpaltz.edu/admissions/freshmen.html

Campus Visits: http://www.newpaltz.edu/admissions/tours.php

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.newpaltz.edu/financialaid/

Academic Majors: http://www.newpaltz.edu/ugc/programs.html

Housing:  http://www.newpaltz.edu/reslife/housing.html

Greek Life: http://www.newpaltz.edu/saus/greeklife.html

Clubs/Activities:  http://www.newpaltz.edu/saus/organizations.html

Study Abroad: https://studioabroad.newpaltz.edu/

Internships/Career Services: http://www.newpaltz.edu/careers/

Athletics: http://www.nphawks.com/index.aspx


Purchase, New York

Phone:  1-914-251-6300    


Admissions Contact:  admissions@purchase.edu (not by region, by area of study is how the admissions counselors are assigned)

In bringing two styles of education—traditional liberal arts and sciences programs and conservatory-based arts programs—into close contact on one campus, the founders of Purchase College hoped to inspire an appreciation for both intellectual and artistic talents in all students. Purchase College today enjoys a world-class reputation for its arts programs and high rankings for its liberal arts and sciences programs. The College attracts students and faculty from around the world seeking a place where they can develop their talents, expand their minds, and prepare for a life of creative independence. The focus and diversity at Purchase College are notable. The 4,000 students and 300 faculty members here are not passive culture appreciators, they are active culture generators. By choosing to come here, individuals make a conscious decision to pursue their studies and their careers in a more intense environment.

Admissions: https://www.purchase.edu/Departments/Admissions/ApplicationInstructions/Freshman-applicants.aspx

Campus Visits: http://www.purchase.edu/Departments/Admissions/Visit

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.purchase.edu/Departments/EnrollmentServices/FinancialServices/

Academic Majors: http://www.purchase.edu/Departments/AcademicPrograms/MajorsMinorsList.aspx 

Housing:  http://www.purchase.edu/Departments/ResLife/default.aspx

Clubs/Activities: http://www.purchase.edu/CampusLifeAndAthletics/

Internships/Career Services:


Athletics: http://www.purchasecollegeathletics.com/splash.aspx?id=splash_14

Swarthmore College  

Swarthmore, Pennsylvania

Phone: 1-610-328-8300  


Admissions Contact: admissions@swarthmore.edu 

Swarthmore, one of the nation’s finest institutions of higher learning, is a college like no other. Private, yet open to all regardless of financial need. American, yet decidedly global in outlook and diversity, drawing students from around the world and all 50 states. Small, yet with the financial strength to offer students and faculty generous resources to push their own and the world’s understanding of disciplines from Arabic to plasma physics, from microbiology to dance, from engineering to art history.

Admissions: http://www.swarthmore.edu/admissions-and-aid.xml

Campus visits: http://www.swarthmore.edu/visit.xml

Scholarships/Financial Aid: http://www.swarthmore.edu/admissions-aid/financial-aid-and-cost-information

Academic Majors: http://www.swarthmore.edu/academics.xml

Housing: http://www.swarthmore.edu/housing.xml

Clubs/Activities: http://www.swarthmore.edu/student-life

Community Service: http://www.swarthmore.edu/student-life/student-activities/community-service.xml

Study Abroad: http://www.swarthmore.edu/Admin/ofs/ 

Internships/Career Services: http://www.swarthmore.edu/student-life/career-services.xml

Athletics: http://www.swarthmoreathletics.com/

Syracuse University

Syracuse, New York

Phone:  1-315-443-3611     


Admissions Contact: orange@syr.edu

Syracuse supports scholarly learning, endorses a culturally and socially diverse climate, values personal and academic honesty, and a safe and healthy environment for each member of the University community. In building on that foundation, the University recognizes that its greatest strength is based on the interactive and collaborative nature of its many programs. Through active engagement with practitioners and communities around the world, Syracuse University faculty and students learn, discover and create. The University is dedicated to faculty excellence and scholarly distinction, attracting and supporting enterprising students and a close interaction and engagement with the world—locally, nationally and globally.

Admissions: http://admissions.syr.edu/

Campus Visits: http://www.syr.edu/futurestudents/undergraduate/visitus/index.html

Financial Aid/Scholarships: http://www.syr.edu/financialaid/index.html

Academic Majors: http://www.syr.edu/futurestudents/undergraduate/academics/ourmajors.html

Housing:  http://orl.syr.edu/our-halls/index.html

Greek Life: http://fasa.syr.edu/

Clubs/Activities: http://syr.orgsync.com/studentorganizations

Study Abroad: http://suabroad.syr.edu/

Internships/Career Services: http://careerservices.syr.edu/

Athletics: http://www.cuse.com/index.aspx